Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We Miss You

Dear Family, Friends, & Metro Family,

Although we are 3,000 miles away from home and it is a busy frenzy doing the Lord's work and serving our fellow brothers and sisters, WE MISS YOU!!!

HEY MOM, I LOVE YOU! - Adam Dorband

Jason & Laura Baker sending a shout of love out to their families. All is well here. Sending our love. - Jason & Laura

I love Colombia! Sorry family I'm staying here. =] Love you all! Adios. - Kristin Fletcher

Mommy, Daddy, Olivia, Sarah, & Molly, it is beautiful here. Everything is rather new and unexplainable in a great way! I miss you... Happy Late Birthday Ea! Dad you were right... I should have taken Spanish. - Katie Anne Ledl

Dear Mommy, Jamie, Sam, & Baby D(ave), I miss you all. God is doing HUGE things and I cannot wait to tell you all about it. P.S. I may come home with some Colombian kids! - Stephanie Andrew

Dad, Mom, Rachel, Robert, Johnny, Theresa, Robbie, J III, & David. I miss you all! Love you guys! - Sarah Saenz

Dearest Andrew, you are the handsomest manliest man alive. Everyone misses you. Specially me =]! I God You. (Hunny-buns, sweetie-poo, lovey-dove... added by Katie, but Selena was thinking it =]) - Selena Protic

Mom, Dad, & Family, I miss you all so much, but God is doing awesome things here. I love you all! - Kaitlyn Rekuta

Mom, Dad, & David - Colombia is so much fun! I miss you! I cannot wait to come home and share stories. With LOVE. - Vikki Killoran

Hey Mom, Dad, & Family, I love Colombia so much. God is moving more than anyone could possibly imagine! I miss & love you! -Don Ayers

Mom, Dad, & Family, I miss you lots and I love you! God is doing awesome things in Colombia! - Melissa Martin

Hey Mom, I can't wait to see you when I get home. Hopefully I come back a new daughter and you will be kicking butt in the Biggest Loser! =] I love you times infinity, plus one! - Phyllis Maierle

Hola Faj-ah, Aunt Patty, & Family! I miss you guys so much! Can't wait to see you at the airport. I love you all, God is doing so much dude. Love always. - Clara Fritz

Hey Mom, Dad, Cassie, & Alysha - I love and miss you guys. Colombia has been amazing. My first meal was fish-head soup. LOL. - Danny Tackett

Hey Family! Guess what?! I am safe and I am teaching the son of my host family to play guitar; it's awesome. THANK YOU FOR SPANISH CLASS. Love - Emily Ferguson

Metro Family & my Family, You are all beautiful and God is doing so much through us. Thank you so much for your prayers. I love you. - Amber Lange

Hola me Amigos, keep praying for the team we love you and wish you were all here! Love - Rissa Hildebrandt

Hey Mom & Dad & Miguel! I am having a great time! it's amazing here, I love it. - Rosie Martinez

Mom, Dad, Tyler, Stephanie (ha ha), and all family, I love you so much. Thank you for your support and prayers. I miss you. XOXOXO. - Rebecca Lindsay

Hey Mom, Dad, Brandon, & Collette - I miss you guys! Colombia is great and we are doing great things! I love you. - Thomas Barnes

Metro Family & Family, I love you so much! God id changing so many lives here. Gracias for all the support! =] - Emily Belleman

Hey! I am still alive. I am having loads of fun. I love you all! My Mom's cooking is still better than Colombian food. - Aaron Gibson

Dear Katie, Levi, & Judah, all the Colombians miss you and wish you were here with us. BUT I miss you the most because I think you're the hottest. - Adam Dorband

FAMILY & FRIENDS - If your loved one did not "shout out" to you. Know that they are busy doing the Lord's work and the miss you terribly. KEEP PRAYING.

This trip is not in vain. =]


  1. So happy to see this... and all of you know I'm crying! And Phyllis... did you think I'd get confused if you didn't put your last name? lol!!! I love you times infinity plus one! I like the daughter I have... if you love Jesus more... all the better!! You're the best in the world!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stephanie,We love and miss you too!!! Praying for you every day.Adam stay strong and healthy you are a wonderful leader for our childern We are praying for your wife and boys while your away. Steph hug Emily for me Kristen and Sarah I miss you girls!!!! Steph we love you so much Stay safe :)I cleaned your room.....GIRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLL lol

  4. HEY TEAM,

    Nice to hear from you all. I know GOD is doing great things down there. Keep up the LOVE.

  5. What a wonderful post from all of you! I know the entire team is changing lives in Colombia...and here too! We are all reaping the blessings of your love for God! Emily...we miss you very much..Your dog is going through withdrawal. So is Papa! WE LOVE YOU. Mom & Dad

  6. Kaitlyn, So happy to get your post. We love and miss you soooooooooooo much (Sam, too Ha,ha). We continue to pray for you everyday. Give Vikki a hug from us also. God Bless. Love, Mom

  7. ah! you guys i miss you all sooooo much!! its so awesome to hear all your stories i cant wait to get down there!

  8. Thanks for the post guys! Good luck to you all and see you on the flip side. Love you Vikki...Hey Kaitlyn!

  9. Dear Team: All the messages are so awesome and such a blessing. Chris - where is your message to your Mama??????? I love you all so much and I am praying for all of you. Keep up the awesome work. Love to you all, Mama Brown

  10. HEY TEAM,

    It's been a whole day, haven't heard from you guys. How was the visit to the big city? Hope you got lots of good pics Donald. We're all saying lots of prayers back here every day for the team. Keep up the GREAT work. Miss YOU a lot.
