Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 16, 2010

Yesterday God totally worked through us! In the morning we had planned to split our entire group into two teams and perform our assemblies for the teenagers at the schools. Well, flexibility is key because, one school decided they were going to come to the church, and in come 50 1st graders! We were so surprised. Then the rest of the school entered and we presented our program to hundreds of 1st - 12th graders. The other team headed to another school, and in the purity seminary girls decided to make a decision for Christ!!! We made good relationships with the teachers and invited students to visit us at the ministry were doing outside a mall/shopping center, called Exito.

Then in the evening, we all went to another school and many people were touched by Brooke, Joe and Kristin telling their testimonies and the Gospel. The woman's purity session went better then I can describe in words. Every woman left in tears, hearts changed, decisions made, the Holy Spirit working. It was unbelievable. The guy's purity session was just as intense. With a little dance contest, arm wrestling and bold words from our guys, they brought the Colombian men truly thinking about being pure men of integrity and praying for a new start.

One beautiful thing about these schools was upon leaving they all invited us to return and said their doors are always open for us! Imagine that in a public school Downriver?!? How insane would it be if we were allowed to go to all the schools Downriver and preach the Gospel?!

Things are going great, the team is growing and learning and adjusting to eating a lot of food for breakfast haha! The weather is rainy and cold but were are all happy to be here and be serving... we'll see what God has for us today.

We love you all, continue praying!


  1. God is soooo good! Praying Praying Praying~!!

  2. To Stephanie:

    Hey!!! Wow, it sounds like God is doing a ton through you guys! I'm praying everyday for health and unity and flexibility and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and your pictures look like a ton of fun :) Keep up the good work, you and your team are expanding the Kingdom!

    Love you lots, Daryl

  3. Daryl! I love you! Thanks for following our teams journey. I have so many stories to share with you so get ready for one long phone call. If you could, text Dave and tell him and Bryan I say hello and send my love from Colombia. You are beautiful <3

  4. Emily:

    I hope you're having a blast in Colombia! I can't wait to hear all about it when you come home. It's weird not texting you all the time. Praying for you guys every day!

    I miss you!!
    Love, Natasha (:

  5. Dear Team:
    Praise God!! It sounds like you are having an amazing time and the spirit of god is moving through all of you!! I am so proud. Keep it up. We are all praying for you. Chris - we love you and miss you!!
    Mama Brown and JB

  6. To Steph:
    It sounds like you are already getting to do amazing things! Thats so awesome. I can't wait to here more of what you and the team are doing. I'll be keeping you and everyone else on the team in my prayers, Good luck with whatever else is heading your way:) Can't wait to see you when you get back!
    <3Devin Cade:)

  7. Hope everything is going well for the team. Said a few extra prayers this morning at Mass for everyone on the adventure.

    Mike Belleman (Emily's Dad)

  8. Devin! I have so many stories to tell you. God has seriously been so present in everything that we do. There have been so many times where he has literally spoken through me and lead me to say the exact thing that people needed to hear. He has especially blessed me through speaking about modest, self-image, etc at the purity seminars! GOD IS MOVING IN COLOMBIA!!!!Thank you for following the blog! <3

