Tuesday, July 27, 2010


That is literally all that I can say! So this morning we prepared to go to a high school but last minute we found out our team would be smaller than we expected. We had three dramas but nobody to play Jesus and we were missing the main girl in one of our dramas. On the bus ride to the school, we had to improvise and our flexibility was put to the test! Kristin was awesome and learned a drama role that she had never done before and Jason stepped up and played the role of Jesus. At the females purity seminar, God moved mountains. I did my talk on self-image and after the seminar about twenty girls came up to me all wanting to talk. They told me that they were each struggling with either an eating disorder or some sort of self destruction. Sixteen of the girls had never spoken of their struggles before today but they let their walls fall down and a healing process has started in their lives. ALSO, I got to pray with six of the girls after their decision to dedicate their lives to Christ. Pray that God will continue watering the seeds that were planted today and that these girls will have a heart after his. This trip has been so incredible and I cannot believe that it is coming to a end so soon. We are coming home with new friendships, crazy faith, and so many stories!!

1 comment:

  1. i cannot wait to see you guys!! i am missing my girl!
